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e-ticket transjakarta istimewa
e-ticket transjakarta istimewa .
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PT Transjakarta to Implement Integrated Electronic Ticket

The plan to implement TransJakarta bus electronic ticket (e-ticket) will be realized this year. Later, TransJakarta bus ticket will be integrated with other transportation modes, such as Commuter Line (CL) and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT).

Use e-ticket for transactio

PT Transjakarta President Director, Antonius Kosasih, stated that PT KAI President Director has agreed with this plan. However, the implementation will be done gradually in which the manual payment still can be accepted until the end of this year. And starting January 2015, TransJakarta bus will no longer accept ticket payment in cash.

“Use e-ticket for transaction,” he said at City Hall, Monday (6/16).

TransJakarta Bus e-Ticketing Users still Low

The implementation of TransJakarta bus e-ticket integration will be prioritized in two parts. Part one is Cawang Station, Pasar Minggu TransJakarta Bus Stop, and Jatinegara TransJakarta Bus Stop. Meanwhile, the second part is Manggarai Station, Juanda TransJakarta Bus Stop, and Sudirman TransJakarta Bus Stop.

According to Kosasih, this plan still needs to be coordinated with the Bank of Indonesia (BI) since the e-ticket is considered as an amount of money saved in a card.

“Because of that, there should be permission from BI. That’s what we’ll coordinate,” he uttered.

To get TransJakarta bus e-ticket, passengers only need to top up in determined banks or integrated stations. This e-ticket procurement aims to avoid undesirable things and prevent financial leakage.

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